Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Meeting Story OUTLINE

Elizabeth Lutch
Jour 305
Meeting Story Outline

1.      What happened?
a.       Parking and Transportation proposed a three year rate increase

2.      Why did it happen?
a.       Request was turned down last year
b.      Many buildings in maintenance deferment
c.       Deferring buildings any longer could result in closures
d.      Deferment of maintenance costs more in the long run

3.      Reactions:
a.       Is this permanent?
b.      Who has to pay?
c.       How much will it be a year?
d.      Is there any way to use volunteers to lower costs?
e.       How much of budget is fine arts garage

Contact Information
Bridgette Brady- Parking and Transportation Task Force

Derrick Skaug- ASWSU District 1 Senator
Grant Eastey- ASWSU District 4 Senator

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